Hello friends
I think , i have started loving makeup and cosmetics now.Although have not started using but t getting very excited with the new products.

I am here again with a new Fabbag .Its anniversary month at Fabbag and they are celebrating it by organizing many giveaways . Participated in few, but bad luck, didn't win any

But, I am super duper happy about this month Fabbag and awesome goodies it is presenting.

This is what i got in all :
- Bellapiere Mineral Foundation
- Skin Yoga Saffron and sandal Face Mask
- Sally Hansen Nail Growth Miracle with tool kit and a
- beautiful polka dotted scarf and a FabPost magazine as a bonus.
Bellapiere Mineral Foundation :I am very excited to try this one . This is a 4 gm sample and costs Rs. 2500/- The product contains an SPF 15 so it is probably not the best for flash photography.
Sally Hansen Nail Growth miracle with free gift: It costs Rs 875. My nails are themselves quite healthy in nature and don't easily snap off.So, not actually wanted this product but the free gift is quite handy one and is cute small manicure kit in pretty golden colour.Plus I had read in reviews that this can be used as base coat and top coat also. will surely try this .
And a beautiful polka dotted scarf : A beautiful soft scarf ............... love the material, colour and polka dots :)
I have even participated in #FabScarfie also.Hope i get lucky this time.
P.S : (Edited) Shared my #FabScarfie on the following:
- Instagram share here : http://instagram.com/p/tsm47syKOc/
- Facebook share here :https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=816497418371967&set=o.193032097491107&type=1&theater
- Twitter tweet here: https://twitter.com/Aparna_21/status/518081605642887168
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